Blairgowrie primary

Our Mascot

Blairgowrie primary

Our Mascot

Our Mascot

Dougal McBlowrie 

Close your eyes and imagine an island of rugged landscapes, medieval castles and the sound of knights in their armour, fairy magic and lastly small fishing villages. This is the Isle of Skye, lying off the northwest coast of Scotland, and the birthplace of our school mascot, Dougal McBlowrie. Dougal Gregor McBlowrie, was born on 23rd May 2015 in Portree, capital of Skye. Skye is a magical place where waterfalls seem to appear and fall into pools and streams with crystal clear water. 

It is not surprising then that with a little fairy magic and dust and the magic of the Unicorn (the national animal of Scotland) that Dougal was born with wings and dragon blood running through his veins. Dougal was the adventurous one of the litter and always seemed to get into mischief. But his mother knew that Dougal had the ability and gifts to bring his magic to others giving them pride and loyalty. Dougal also got on well with children as they were the ones who believed in his magic. When he was old enough to leave home, his mom knew he would love an adventure. She suggested he travel until he found a school where he could settle and live, loved by the children. As you can see from all the stamps in his passport, Dougal travelled all over Scotland searching for a school where he could settle.


The last Scottish town he visited was the market town of Blairgowrie, about 93km north of Edinburgh. It was here that he heard about a wonderful school in South Africa named “Blairgowrie”. With the help of his fairy friends and his dragon wings, he made his way to Randburg where he found Blairgowrie Primary School. Dougal was thrilled when he saw the school uniform was a genuine tartan. It is called the Murray of Atholl tartan. Dougal was even more excited when he learned the sporting houses were called Atholl, Murray and Dundee (a city in Scotland). Dougal says, “I have found my true home and I hope I can use my special magic to make Blairgowrie Primary an even greater school and help the children and staff to live up to the school motto “Be True”